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June 29, 2007
Wandering Among Democrats, Part Deux [DemPBS]
After my talk with Tavis (see Part 1), I saw Barack Obama's campaign manager, David Axelrod. Considering that his brother, Jim Axelrod, is a liberally biased political reporter at CBS News, I wasn't sure what to expect. Turns out he's a nice, soft-spoken guy. That said, he couldn't answer my point-blank question: How is Hillary not inevitable? Made me wonder if they really think they can win.
Wondering that, I asked him the obligatory "will Obama accept the vice presidential position" question. Amazingly, he said no. I came away from the exchange hoping he'd be able to push his guy to win over Clinton (even though she'd be easier to beat). I don't think he'll be able to but we'll see.
It got kind of old after that. Sure, there were some other "famous" folks there such as Marxist stooge Cornell West. Talking with La Shawn over in his area, neither of us could think of a thing to say to him. In retrospect, I should have asked him why he always wears a scarf. He's one weird dude.
At any rate, after that, I headed over back to the blogger section of the room. FYI no one in the media was allowed to be in the actual room. I was disappointed in a Daschlean way that I would not be able to get a glimpse of the epitome of human perfection that is Hillary Clinton.
Around my spot were Andy Carvin of NPR, Earl Dunovant of Prometheus 6 (he and I had some interesting discussions during the debate), the lovely Liza Sabater of Culture Kitchen, as well as the inimitable Oliver Willis. Yes, he does exist in the flesh. Also there were Sherrilyn Ifill of Blackprof.com Casey Lartigue. There were several other bloggers there but I didn't catch their names and blogs since I was busy slaving away for this shitty blog.
Liza and I got to talking about someone I forgot to mention last time, Joe Biden. Now there is a Democrat. He's pretty much John Edwards – hair + worse inability to restrain his limousine liberal impulses, especially when it comes to race. If only we could have more Democrats out there like him. Too bad Bush banned cloning.
While we were hanging out after the fact, Dennis Kucinich and his minder wife stopped by, hoping to change our votes by shaking our hands. I told Earl he had to vote for him now but he disagreed. I had to leave the room to avoid going ballistic at such sacrilege.
Others' blogging:
- La Shawn Barber has a good recap plus several photos
- Liza Sabater has a slideshow (complete with strange pic of Cornell West) and a nice recap
- American Taino did not like PBS or Smiley's performance
- Laurie White adds a bit to my Tavis Smiley account noting that Smiley's virtuoso makeup person also got accosted by the Washington Post reporter. "At least you'll get good copy, baby!" she said before ditching him.
- Sherrilyn Ifill on Tavis Smiley and Michael Eric Dyson

posted by MatthewSheffield at
05:45 PM
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