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June 28, 2007
The Attempted Crucifixion of Frank Luntz [DemPBS]
So as the designated driver blogger for Ace at tonight's Democratic presidential debate, I've been looking forward to an hour or two of non-stop GOP hatred.
Little did I know the lefty bloggers would get it started even before the debate in an attack mounted on pollster Frank Luntz. It's all so typical. The blog left's puppet master, David Brock, sends out an "alert" informing them that someone who might possibly be conservative is going to be allowed to report as a "mainstream" journalist.
How dare PBS allow a Republican to infiltrate the left-wing sanctorum that is the mainstream media!!!
Predictably, Brock's dittoheads went into action, denouncing PBS for their temerity.
Thankfully, PBS has not backed down. Luntz, who is a respected pollster and is often quoted in liberal publications is not getting the shaft, making him one of the very few Republicans that has (so far) managed to escape the assault of the conservaphobic left.
That is truly the right word, too, since Luntz's small analyst role is quite minor compared to Democrat loyalists like Chris Cuomo, Mika Brzezinski, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, George Stephanopolous, all of whom have their own shows.
It ought to scare more sane liberals out there just how eager their ideological compatriots are to stifle any sort of dissenting or diverse viewpoint. Sadly, it doesn't.
Censorious libs reading this might retort that "well we're just opposed to Luntz's shoddy polling methodology" which is BS since the same people did not complain about Dan Rather's forged documents or Jayson Blair's fabrications. No, it's all about the politics.

posted by MatthewSheffield at
03:25 PM
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