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Source: Cloture Supporters Claim 60 Votes; Cloture Opponents Claim 40 »
June 27, 2007
Republican Party Seriously Said To Be Considering A "No" Vote On Destroying Itself
John McCain expressed "sadness" that the "Party of Teddy Roosevelt might not have the courage to vote itself into oblivion."
Trent Lott mused, "If we can't get this [destroying the conservative coalition that has sustained the GOP for forty years] done, what good are we? Are we mice or are we men and women?"
In other words, some of the jackasses who were willing to sell us out to ADM are reconsidering doing so.
Allah's count is that we might -- might -- be down to 59 votes for cloture, as several of the Republican Wobblies are considering voting against it.
If they do, good for them, and all is forgiven.
For those who vote for this abomination -- it will never be forgotten. Ever. The Republican Party itself may yet endure. They will not.
Note: Stevens and Murkowski of Alaska are said to be leaning against cloture. Bennett, with his new Border Security Office in the middle of fucking Utah, is not said to be so leaning.
Gotta give it to him -- when you buy him off on the cheap, he stays bought off on the cheap.