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June 26, 2007
Phones Ringing Off The Hook In Senate Offices
Not over:
The Senate voted today to bring the controversial immigration bill to a vote, sparking a debate over whether or not the bill serves the public’s will and best interests, reports CNSNews.com Staff Writer Nathan Burchfiel. "The American people do not like this [immigration] bill," Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) says, adding, "Our phones are ringing off the hook."
Polls suggest Session may be right: a June CNN/Opinion Research poll found that only 30% of respondents supported the bill and a June NBC poll shows 74% of Americans supported imposing fines on businesses that hire illegal immigrants and 65% supported increased border security.
But, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) encouraged his colleagues to vote in favor of pushing forward on the motion, anyway. "We need to proceed with this legislation and send to the American people a better life for everybody..."