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June 25, 2007
Webb: No On Cloture?
So says a Corner emailer who says she got through to Webb's office.
New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg, a Republican, is attempting the "I'm against this bill but will vote for cloture" bullshit, pissing down our leg and calling it rain.
mong Republicans, even White House allies such as New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg say the administration has "zero credibility" on the border-security issue. "I will vote to proceed, but I think it is very undecided now if the bill will pass," Mr. Gregg said.
I think he needs to be informed (especially by New Hampshirites) that we're all hip to scam.
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH) Class III
(202) 224-3324
Web Form: gregg.senate.gov/sitepages/contact.cfm
Hot Air pegs the Magic Number as somewhere between 4 and 6 more votes needed.
Even Allah is in get-out-the-vote, we-can-do-this mode:
Here are the Senate phone numbers; even if, like me, you’re too apathetic normally to practice direct democracy, this is a special occasion. If you call Nelson’s office, you might care to mention this result from today’s Rasmussen survey, which, let’s hope to god, will prove to be the final “killer poll” needed to euthanize this sucker.
The other wafflers:
Bond (R-Mo.), Bingaman (D-N.M.), Burr (R-N.C.), Boxer (D-Calif.), Cochran (R-Miss.), Conrad (D-N.D.), Ensign (R-Nev.), Levin (D-Mich.), Gregg (R-N.H.), Nelson (D-Neb.), hosta (R-Utah)
Cochran, Bond, hosta, Burr, and Ensign (and Gregg, of course, who thinks we're fucking retarded) need to be told in no uncertain terms that their future in electoral politics rests on this "no" vote and no other vote in the world. If they want to dodge the issue, the yes-on-cloture-no-on-the-bill hoax is unacceptable; perhaps they should just take tomorrow off and skip the vote altogether. Kaus notes that not voting is just as good as a no vote (Brownback may take this route), and then they can claim to amnesty-supporters they would have voted for the bill had it come up on the floor.
But they're not fooling us. And we're their voters.
Jim Gergaghty says do not forgive a vote for cloture, and I believe him.