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June 23, 2007
Kausfiles Idea: Preview The Negative Ads That Will Run For Amnesty-Without-Security Proponents
Kaus speculates that maybe these idiots just don't know how easy it will be to make damning political spots against them, given provisions in the bill permitting violent gang-members and repeat drunk-drivers to get amnesty.
So he suggests a preview -- amateurs creating such ads, now, about folks like Lindsay Graham, just so wobblers like Orin hosta and Richard Burr can see what awaits them.
Actually, it's not really a preview, because so many effective political ads are aired exclusively on the Internet anyway.
Boston Irish tells me the Windows Movie Maker -- which he used to make his Snowman extravaganzas -- is not only free, it's already probably on your machine if you have Windows XP or Vista, and it's pretty easy to learn.
Incidentally, labor and some Hispanic groups have now announced their opposition to the comprehensive piece of shit.
The Hispanic groups oppose it because they find it unduly harsh and punitive -- a criticism which is not necessarily silly, even by enforcement-first standards. While allowing gang-members to obtain permanent visas, the bill includes some meaningless but annoying provisions -- like the "touchback" provision, requiring amnesty seekers to go back to their home countries for a few hours to apply -- which are supposed to be a sop to enforcement-firsters but actually have nothing at all to do with enforcement. Such provisions just make life difficult for those seeking amnesty, without delivering a lick of enforcement.
Bonus! Right now all eyes are on the Senate, but the House would have to vote on this if the Senate passes it. And House members, of course, are up for re-election every single election cycle. Perhaps Congressmen would like a preview of what awaits them...
Correction: Every single cycle, not every single year. Duh.