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June 22, 2007
CIA Releases "Family Jewels"
A history of violating its charter, though I sorta think that violating its charter was its charter. Don't expect the left to mind this all that much:
Physical surveillance of muckraker Jack Anderson and his associates, including current Fox News anchor Brit Hume.
I look forward to Hume's cocked eyebrow on tonight's broadcast. He's acheived what so many on the ineffectual left dream of -- actually mattering to the CIA.
In another revelation, Bobby Kennedy "personally managed" the assassination schemes against Fidel Castro, which should keep us ass-deep in conspiracy theories for, oh, about another three thousand years.
I Question The Timing: Regarding Hume's cocked eyebrow on tonight's broadcast, type7 writes:
Silly Ace, Hume takes Friday off.
Well, isn't that convenient for him then.