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Another No On Cloture: Pat Roberts »
June 21, 2007
Captain Ed Source: Kay Bailey Hutchinson Will Vote No-- On Cloture
On cloture. The important thing.
There's one more. It's working; keep it up.
More good stuff at Hot Air, including another poison pill offered by comprehensive piece of shit supporters which is strongly opposed by Bush.
Kaus has lots of fun things, like McCain now tied with Brownback in Iowa (and trailing Huckabee!), and the sweetest, most delicious Killer Amendment I've ever heard: allow illegals to sue their employers for all payments legally owed to them (minimum wage and especially overtime!), plus treble damages as a little kicker.
Who could be against that, after all? These poor people earned that money; shouldn't they have the right to collect it?
Meanwhile, the lefty Borjas notes that the White House is trumpeting a claim that illegal immigrants add $30 billion per year to the economy -- but is rather quieter about the fact that the exact same economic model used to generate this number also predicts $350 billion in "lost wages" due to wage-depressing effects from illegals bidding wages down. (Note the wages aren't really "lost" so much as they're shifted: $350 billion that employees otherwise would have earned, but now arent, is now $350 billion that employers get to keep for their own selves. There are some pro-business types who might argue that that's a good thing, but something tells me the great swath of American workers won't be entirely jazzed about it.)
As he notes: If you like the model for one purpose, aren't you required to accept that model's other, less politically useful, findings?