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June 16, 2007
Lott as Poster Boy
This is undoubtedly the creepiest photoshop I've ever created.
I find it amusing that once again, Trent Lott has made himself the poster boy for everything wrong with America's political class. Of course, not everyone in the Senate is a power-hungry, amoral, pork-loving elitist like Lott, but far too many of them seem perfectly willing to ignore the fact that most Americans simply do not like the specifics of this bill.
Glenn Beck made an interesting point on his show Friday. He said the debate over this bill represents a battle not between the right and left, but between the political class and the American voter. I think he's on to something. Given the level of anger this bill has created, it's hard to believe most members of Congress do not know where their constituents stand. And yet the bill lives.
Congress has gotten our message. They're just ignoring it.

posted by Slublog at
11:10 PM
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