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June 13, 2007
Jon Stewart Super Fanboy Annoyed By BDS TDS Audience Members
Yeah. That whole "clapper" thing? It's not just conservatives who are noticing.
Now, I disagree with him that Stewart is particularly funny. But his Craigslist screed accurately diagnoses the audience's thrallish misbehavior:
But TDS audience...I'm not going to mince words...YOU'RE KIND OF FUCKING SHIT UP. And you're making Jon Stewart UNCOMFORTABLE (I can just tell). Because whenever a political joke is made that denigrates upon Bush, Cheney and other Republicans, or an opinion in a similar light is expressed by Stewart towards a guest, YOU ERUPT INTO FUCKING THUNDERING APPLAUSE.
STOP IT! I've never seen ANYONE react to a joke that way, just shaking and stomping like a dog shitting peach pits! And look, I understand--I FUCKING HATE THAT COCKSUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BUSH AND ALL HIS YES-MEN TOO, I hope they lock that motherfucker up forever. I really do. But when you applaud EVERY anti-Bush or anti-Repub joke, it alienates people who could otherwise be persuaded by Stewart's humor and realism (I've watched, anti-Dem jokes get laughter but rarely is there applause).
When guests are on who are basically political pieces of shit, but have a book to sell or whatever (Bill Kristol, Ashcroft, etc), Stewart has to stay in that middle zone...keeping it respectful but still asking hard questions (which you won't see very many other places). So when he checkmates some doucheface, and you all start applauding like mad, it ruins the whole point. It takes 15 seconds off of the interview--and it makes you look like rabid partisans out for blood.
But please...applaud at the start, welcome him. Applaud at the end, thank him. But in the middle, just laugh if it's funny. Just laugh.
Colin Quinn had a rule on his show -- no applause. Clapping and whooping it up are cheap. And they're not responses to comedy; they're a response to political statements. Not only would he tell the audience to stop clapping in political sympathy -- often calling them "idiots" or "dummies" -- he'd yell at whichever comic had deliberately pandered to get that predictable response ("I just think that if we can send a man to the moon, we should be able to cure AIDS already! Come on guys! Who's with me?!").
Jon Stewart has no such qualms. and has come to rely upon the clapper as a staple of his act.
PS, Jon Stewart Super-Fan? He's not asking the "hard questions." He's just being an arrogant TV clown.
Meanwhile... Donald "Mr. Classy" Trump is pitching a new show he'd host called Lady or the Tramp, where he takes trashy, slutty chicks to Trump Charm School and classes them up, probably by building 50 floor apartment complexes on them.
It's another Trump original, if you don't count Flava of Love: Charm School or Lady Into Ladettes and probably three or four other similarly-themed reality shows.
Maybe he should just start a series called Trump: Lost, in which a group of 40 strangers is stranded on a mysterious, but luxurious and classy, Mara Lago estate, and every week they learn a tiny little bit about their strange surroundings as well as lessons in business from a mysterious God-like figure called "Donald Trump."
Thanks to PetiteDov.