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June 01, 2007
Israel's New Initiative To Gain Favor Among European Academics: Kidnap Them
Not really, but given the fact that moronic British academics are (yawn) boycotting Israel yet again as Hamas holds BBC reporters hostage, maybe they ought to look into that.
I'm no economist, but I believe we may be looking at what can be called a suboptimal incentive system here.
Even Better: UK journalist union leader admits he's propagandizing for terrorists, and endorsing an anti-Israeli boycott, as a quid pro quo to get Palestinians to release a kidnapped colleague.
Certainly it's difficult to resist the demands of terrorists when they have a gun to a colleague/friend's head.
But how did Palestinians get it in their heads they could behave this way and continue garning the support of Europeans?
And, frankly, why do they even think they need to kidnap Europeans to get them to enagage in terrorist-apologism? How is this latest appeasement of Palestinian psychopaths any different from the previous thirty years of spin?
Thanks to J.Singer.