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April 20, 2007
Librescu Given Hero's Funeral In Israel; Backlash Against MSM For Showing Cho's Videos; Westboro Church Harrasses Slublog
Three updates from Slu.
Librescu's burial.
A round-up of V-Tech news, including a backlash against the media for so gleefully publicizing Cho.
An update on the Cthulhu cultists at Westboro and their planned "protests" of the V-Tech funerals. By the way -- they're not "protests," which one would think would consist of protesting the fact they were killed. In fact they're celebrations of murder, and shoud be called such.
The Westboro freaks are now spamming Slublog. What can be done about this?
By the way, thanks for all the Chotoshops. I'll put up one more post of them today. I had hoped that the Farkies would start doing this, since they have such reach, and the internet could be used against these pathetic losers' publicity-seeking. But it doesn't seem to have worked, so I'll just post the best of the later chotoshops out of hatred.