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April 09, 2007
Banning, Deliberate And Accidental
I'm getting a lot of people asking why they were banned. For almost everyone who's been "banned," it's a glitch in the software. Pixy's banning software is automated and looks for patterns and links favored by comment-spammers and bans them. This means that if you accidentally use the word patterns and links (like, I think, to wordpress) the software has designated as likely spam, you'll be automatically banned.
As I don't know precisely what patterns it's looking for, I can't warn you as to what not to say. All I can do is say send me your IP, I'll forward it to Pixy, and I'll get you unbanned as soon as I can.
Frankly has had a difficult run -- banned twice in the past few days. Not sure what he's doing to trip the software's ban list.
I apologize for that-- but comment spam is such a ferocious problem that Pixy's got the system running at various levels of aggressiveness depending on the size of the spam attack, so sometimes there are going to be these inadvertant bannings.
On the other hand, there's fancy, who I just banned intentionally for 1) spamming multiple threads with off-topic baiting and 2) libel. He claims that I wrote this supposedly anti-gay-ish post over at PoliPundit, a rather stupid assumption to make. (I say "supposedly" because I haven't read it; fancy at least deams it anti-gay.)
"The Ace" at PoliPundit wrote that. I am not "The Ace" at PoliPundit; I'm Ace at Ace of Spades HQ. Apparently fancy thinks that only one person on the internet has ever thought to give himself a monicker involving the word "Ace." He didn't bother to ask if I was Polipundit's "The Ace;" he just assumed, like an asshole.
By the way, fancy: I'm also not "Ace" from American Idol a couple of seasons ago. Nor am I Ace Hamblin from The Quick and the Dead or Ace Face from Quadrophenia nor Stoker Ace from Burt Reynolds' six thousandth race car movie. Shocking, I know.
Anyway, see you later, jagoff. If you attempt to evade the ban and post here I'll rewrite your posts attributing the worst sort of hate-speech to you. Like you tried to do to me.
Important! Slublog says that posts containing nothing but a hyperlink are viewed by the system as spam. So, you know, maybe add a couple of non-linked sentences to avoid this particular tripwire.