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March 19, 2007
What If We Held A Counter Protest
...And the media declined to cover it?
Gathering of Eagles turned out a huge success, with about 30,000 participating in the counter demonstration at the Pentagon and assembling around memorials to prevent those black bloc morons from defacing them again.
You didn't hear about it on the news, but they were there and they deserve our praise and thanks.
Photos and more links to those who photographed the day's events at Michelle Malkin.
I made this comment at Hot Air this morning, but I think it bears repeating:
If the antiwar protestors support the troops, why do so many of them show up dressed as mujahedeen? That's a show of solidarity with the enemy, and any Soldier or Marine serving in the Middle East would recognize it as such.
Too bad nobody showed up masquerading as Ho Chi Minh. There were a lot of Vietnam Vets there who would have appreciated the belated show of support.

posted by Laura. at
11:55 AM
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