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March 13, 2007
Obama: "Nobody Is Suffering More Than The Palestinian People"
Nobody? Not non-Muslims being systematically raped and murdered in Darfur?
The Palestinians are suffering, to be sure. But their suffering is due, at least partly, to their own choices and actions. They have made the conscious choice to suffer in order to pursue the revanchist dream of extirpating Israel from the globe, to suffer in misery, poverty, squalor and backwardness to achieve this.
And they consciously choose to suffer casualties, both terrorist and civilian, through their never-ending terrorism against Israeli civilians. Oh, occasionally they kill some soldiers, which, as much as I don't like it, is a permittable choice of target in a guerilla war; but most often they find such targets to be too difficult to reach, and not providing a sufficient horror factor, and so choose to blow up schools, pizza shops, discotheques and the like.
Land can be compensated for; walls can be moved; boundaries can be redrawn. But the dead cannot be brought back to life.
The left euphemizes the Palestinians' self-defeating choices by saying "The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." By which they mean the Palestinians never forgo an opportunity to kill Jewish children, nor actually choose peace over war, nor to accept reasonable, if not generous by their lights, proposals to cede back most of their lost land. All in favor of killing, and killing, and killing some more.
My own reservoir of pity for the Palestinians ended on September 11th when I saw that grotesque witch handing out cake in celebration of the American dead. They've chosen their path, and that path is misery and murder.
They are suffering. They chose to make others suffer, and to suffer themselves in return. Let their be no tears over their embrace of murder and masochism.
Democratic Jews are demanding to know exactly what Obama meant by the remark. Democratic Jews are, I've decided, idiots. Let me explain what he meant: He meant precisely what you think he meant, and he further meant all the implications that flow from that.
Grow up. Your party has collectively decided that no Muslim outrage cannot be mitigated or explained away by pointing to supposed sins of the west compelling them to behave as monsters.
I wonder how these "New York money men" got so rich while being so foolish.