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March 11, 2007
Fascist, Nearly Sexualized Anti-Insect Propaganda From Right-Wing Photographer
Bugs on windshields -- splat.
Via St. Andrew of the Sacret Heart-Ache, who tries to use anti-gay sentiment to undermine a movie's box office when he's he's already indicated he's predisposed to object to.
In the first link, he engages in the same sort of "playground taunting" as Ann Coulter in titling a post, "How Gay is 300?" In the second link, he quote's the amateur leftist webzine Slate's goofball reviewer Dana Stevens for the proposition that 300 stands with 24 on a contiunuum of "sadist-bigot trend... in the popular culture."
So obviously he's not claiming 300 is gay "in a good way." It's a taunt to suggest that those seeing a movie he doesn't think they should see are subconscious homos -- and since such subconscious homos are of course anti-gay themselves, they'll be less inclined to see the period fagorama flick.
Really, is there some special dispensation for liberals like Sullivan and Max Blumenthal for stirring up anti-gay sentiment so long as it's "for a good cause" -- undermining the Republican Party, discouraging straight viewers from seeing a movie they object to? Isn't playing to anti-gay sentiment just simply playing to anti-gay sentiment, whichever politics you're hoping to advance?
If calling someone a homo or faggot is something we can no longe countenance in this societ, honestly, the gays most exercised about this can do the cause a favor by not calling everyone they don't like a "homo" or "faggot" themselves.
Even if it's by cutesy, pussyshit implication rather Coulter's direct invective. Hey, give this to Coulter: At least when she calls someone a faggot, she's man enough to be foresquare about doing so and not hide behind girlishly snide insinuations. If only Sullivan could man up and have her balls about it.
He Also Implied That The Passion of the Christ Was A Sort of Gay BDSM Porn, Too, Didn't He? He seems to just keep working from the same playbook. He'll belittle straight men who see these movies by calling them faggots for doing so. That'll show them.
Well, if these movies are "gay porn" as he continues to natter, well, they're my kind of gay porn.
Related: Maher calls Repubicans gay for Reagan.
Again, I'm sure this was calling political opponents faggots in that "good way."