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March 09, 2007
Democrats Yank Themselves Off FoxNews
Once again bowing to nutroots pressure to be the fightiest fighty fighters in the world, they're withdrawing from a debate to be hosted by FoxNews.
Background and links at Hot Air. It started with the nutroots, then of course the campaign closest to the nutroots -- John Edwards', with his lefty-blog-freak of a wife encouraging him no doubt (big fan, that one, of Pandagon, Daily Kos, etc.) -- bailed out. Now they all seem to want to withdraw.
Apologies to whatever blogger has been sending me tips about this as it's been happening. I just never thought it was a big story; I still don't, really. I searched my email trying to find your tips but couldn't.
Roger Ailes... addressed the Edwards boycott at an industry speech.
Any candidate for high office of either party who believes he can blacklist any news organization is making a terrible mistake about journalists. And any candidate of either party who cannot answer direct, simple, even tough questions from any journalist runs a real risk of losing the voters.
The public knows if a journalist's question is unfair. They also know if a candidate is impeding freedom of speech and free press. If you are afraid of journalists, how will you face the real dangers in the world?
The last paragraph is undeniably true. But that first one?
Does anyone really believe the threatened archliberals at the staid network news organizations are going to go to bat on behalf of FoxNews? And go against the wishes of the nutroots they themselves belong to?
Now that's comedy writing. Ailes should try his hand at the 1/2 Hour Comedy Hour.