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February 25, 2007
Shock: Media Almost Entirely Embargoing ACLU Child Porn Story
From the Catherine Herrige's reporting on the O'Reilly Factor, we know the FBI and ICE actually "pushed" this story out into the media, because, due to this solid citizen's selfless work as a "youth coach," it's possible there are victims of physical molestation out there. That hasn't been proven yet; it hasn't even been alleged.
But it's a concern. And that's why law enforcement pushed the story. They want the victims to come forward.
They even avoided id'ing the guy as a former ACLU Chapter president. Again, that from Herrige, who had to find that out herself. She says that when she called for confirmation, law enforcement sources refused to confirm it.
Why? Because they wanted the story out there -- so that parents of possibly victimized children would be aware there could be a problem -- and apparently were sensitive enough of the political angle to avoid saying anything about his association with the ACLU.
Now, given that -- given that law enforcement wants this story out so that possible victims of child abuse, or even child rape, will come forward, if they exist -- has the media helped? Has it cast a bright light on the story, as it did in the Mark Foley affair, demonstrating similar concerns over the plight of the poor Congressional interns?
Are you kidding? Have you not been paying attention?
No mention of the story in the NYT, the Boston Globe, the LAT, the Seattle Times. A mention on page B05 of the Washington Post in its Virginia Briefing.
Well, it's not like the Washington Post has a strong circulation in the state of Virginia, where this guy worked as a "youth coach." So I'm sure their burying the story won't hinder parents from finding out about law enforcement's darkest suspicions.
Nice job, MSM! You've done a man's job!
A Message To Parents From Mainstream Media
If you didn't want your kids getting fucked by dirty old perverts, you shouldn't have made them so damn cute. You bought the tickets, enjoy the ride.
Thanks to Larwyn.