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February 22, 2007
Joe Lieberman: "Remote Possibility" I'll Jump To The GOP
As Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber says, "So you're telling me I have I chance...?!"
"Independent" Sen. Joe Liebeman receives a mini-profile titled "What Joe Wants," a key question since he is "the Senate's one-man tipping point." Republicans, the magazine says, are "courting him" and Lieberman "has been indulging in some fairly immodest political footsie."
Lieberman calls jumping to the Republican side, and tilting the Senate, "a remote possibility," which means there's at least a chance of that. Time seems to push Lieberman in this direction, as the article concludes: "Lieberman's GOP flirtation has its risks--and a time limit....The longer he waits to capitalize on his moment, the greater the danger that he'll be tagged as one of those politicians for whom having power is more important than using it."
Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin claims that his side still "counts on him as a friend" even though it is "a little painful and awkward."
Could get a little more painful and awkward, Dickie.
Over at Hot Air, a quote from Politico suggesting that Lieberman might jump if Democrats attempt to defund the war.
Even though Murtha is attempting that sort of thing, it seems that most Democrats, especially those in the Senate, don't want to put 'em on the glass, so Lieberman's hand will never really be forced.