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December 31, 2006
Sweet: Around 10 House Seats Will Migrate From Blue To Red States After 2010 Census
For a potential net pickup of +20 seats, though, as everyone now clarifies, that would assume all of these seats would in fact be red. Which they won't be; they'll just be in red states, and red states have lots of blue areas. In fact, maybe it's the blue areas, the cities and adjoining suburbs, which will get almost all of the new seats.
Barone thinks it's good for a +10 pickup, at best.
But for presidential election purposes, that's +20 voters in the electoral college controlled by voters in red states.
Not too shabby.
Of course, with all of this movement south and west, one also has to consider that some of the migrants from the blue northeast and midwest might flip a red state to purple or even blue. Colorado seems one of the lower-hanging of fruits. And of course there's always Florida.