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December 27, 2006
Saddam Claims Execution Would Make Him A True Martyr
When life gives you lemons...
Ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein said in a letter released on Wednesday that he would go to the gallows as a "sacrifice" and called on his former Iraqi subjects to unite against their enemies.
Saddam, in a letter written to the Iraqi people from his cell before his appeal against a death sentence failed, said: "I sacrifice myself. If God wills it, he will place me among the true men and martyrs."
Many Iraqis agree, apparently, as hundreds of them are signing up to be Saddam's executioner, or "martyrdom enabling professional:"
undreds of Iraqis have applied to act as executioner of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein following the confirmation of his death sentence by Iraq's appeals court, an adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Wednesday.
Bassam al-Husseini was quoted as saying by US television channel ABC that members from all three leading religious communities and all ethnic groups were among the applicants.
Iraq does not have an official executioner and no such position had been advertised, ABC said.
Meanwhile, an Italian Senator says "A democracy cannot be established with hanging."
After the jump, Italian fascist Benito Mussoli offers his thoughts (macabre content warning).

"I think it's a 50/50 proposition, personally."