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December 20, 2006
School Tells Stunned Students Santa Clause Does Not Exist
That school? The Kennedy School of Government. Lona Shoenstein, Harvard Class of '05, was said to be "disconsolate" and to have "nothing left to believe in." Apparently it was that Scrooge PJ O'Rourke who broke the bad news to her.
But seriously. In Britain:
A primary school has been accused of spoiling Christmas for pupils after a lesson telling them that Santa Claus does not exist.
Children as young as nine were told that only 'small children believe in Father Christmas'.
And yesterday their parents criticised teachers for taking the 'magic' out of the festive period.
The blunder came after the Year 5 pupils were given seasonal worksheets containing various festive classroom exercises.
One began by informing the children that 'many small children believe in Father Christmas'.
It then went on to explain that thousands of letters sent by these children to Santa every year are actually answered by the Post Office.
A blunder? Or teachers deciding they know better how to raise other people's kids?