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December 18, 2006
Jamil Hussein Located... Maybe
It's still not clear if he's a real cop, or a Sunni acting in a tribal non-official authority.
Still, E&P goes beserk over the story, bashing bloggers by citing the maybe-possibly reportage of... another blogger.
Newsbusters notes this isn't proof, even if we take Hussein to be a real live person, of the underlying allegation, i.e., that six Sunnis were burned alive at a mosque attack. Something AP, and only AP, reports.
I never thought Jamil Hussein was simply made-up. I always believed the Iraqi government and the US military -- that there was no "Police Captain Jamil Hussien" on MOI payrolls, and therefore there was no real Police Captain Jamil Hussein.
We'll see if he turns out to be an actual policeman or just a Sunni assuming some unofficial liason function.