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December 16, 2006
Want To Get Away?
Maxim tells you six places you can live well on a pittance.
Apparently you can spend a year on Tonga for like, seven bucks.
No driver’s license? Who gives a shit? You’re in Tonga! In an effort to kick-start their typically craptastic island economy, the government lures capital investment by offering foreign devils 15-year tax exemptions to set up shop.
Hmmm. Polynesian paradise on the cheap?
Lessee...ah. Wikipedia says foreigners can't buy land in Tonga, women are discriminated against too, they got socialized medicine (spit), and its pretty much illegal to trashtalk the King.
I can live with that. Can't buy land anyway, fuck do I care whether its because I'm white or because I'm a woman. And as highly educated as the people are said to be, I'm pretty sure I could be a doctor on their island.
So Tonga looks pretty nice. Even if I look like pasty shit next to the beautiful polynesian natives. Wait, no.
Ok. That's a dealbreaker, right there.
I need to find a place with ugly people.
The Ecuadoran economy is so firmly ensconced in the shitter that the government scrapped its local currency for the U.S. dollar six years ago. Fifteen bucks a day keeps you housed and fed and puts the Andes in your backyard.
Sweet satisfaction! As a bonus, you business minded Rethuglikkkan scum can quench your deep-seated desire to oppress some indigenous laborers.
You know you want to.
The other entries are pretty good too.
posted by Laura. at
09:08 PM
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