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December 15, 2006
Wisconsin Man Runs Over, Eats Seven-Legged Transgendered Deer
I bet that's only the tenth or twelfth time that headline's been written.
Rick Lisko hunts deer with a bow, but got his most unusual one driving his truck down his mile-long driveway.
The young buck had nub antlers and seven legs. Lisko said it also had both male and female reproductive organs.
"It was definitely a freak of nature," Lisko said. "I guess it's a real rarity."
He said he slowed down as the buck and two does ran across the driveway Nov. 22, but the buck ran under the truck and got hit.
When he looked at the animal, he noticed three- to four-inch appendages growing from the rear legs. Later, he found a smaller appendage growing from one of the front legs.
"It's a pretty weird deer," he said, describing the extra legs as resembling "crab pinchers."
"It kind of gives you the creeps when you look at it," he said, but he thought he saw the appendages moving, as if they were functional, before the deer was hit.
He did eat it, and reports it was "tasty." Transexual spider-deer meat always is.
Al Gore immediately held a press conference blaming the proliferation of transexual spider-deer on global warming.
Thanks to Bridget.