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December 04, 2006
Bolton Out As UN Ambassador, Blocked By Democratic Filibuster
Although I appreciate the candor he offered to the UN, I'm not sure it matters a damn. One thing I never got was Bolton-mania -- if one accepts, as a starting point, that the UN is a fundamentally corrupt and anti-American organization and the best one can hope to get out of it is benign neglect of the world's troubles, what does it really matter that John Bolton, and his moustache, are there cajoling it?
I don't know that it does. I liked his tough manner, but what does it matter, ultimately? Doesn't change how a single country will vote.
Anyway, the Democrats, determined to make the UN the arbiter of US foreign policy, tanked the nomination by filibuster.
Isn't odd how solicitious they are of the opinions of 3/4ths of France, and yet so scornful of the opinion of 1/2 of their fellow Americans?