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December 04, 2006
Sex With Dead Deer Case: Judge Rules A Corpse Is Not An "Animal'
A few weeks ago I posted a story about a guy being arrested for having sex with a deer. A dead deer. A deer carcass. A dearly-departed deer. The charge was for having sex with an animal.
His lawyer argued that an animal carcass was not an "animal" and therefore he could not be prosecuted under the law.
And how did the judge rule?
He writes:
...defining animal to include carcasses would lead to absurd results. At what point of decompose [sic] would the carcass cease being an animal? Would picked-over skeletal remains still meet the definition?
Um, I don't find that all that absurd, personally. Your mileage may differ.
As Billy Crystal noted in The Princess Bride (1988), "There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead."
Cute, but I'm not sure how he sees the legal system all but unravelling if the definition of "animal" is taken to include "dead animal."
Thanks to yls.