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November 28, 2006
Map of Polonium Trail With Timeline
The map and timeline, though the latter seems fuzzy. Note that this timeline now claims that the sushi bar meeting with Prof. Scaramello was well before the Millenium Bar meeting with the Russian agents, making the nuke expert seem to be a pretty good candidate for the poisoning in my mind.
Why are all of these traces of the toxin showing up in different places? I don't know, but it seems possible that Litvinenko was slipped something he would continue to ingest throughout the day -- say, a pack of poisoned cigarettes.
Or, let's say he was poisoned via sushi. The radioactive material would be all over his hands (even if he did use chopsticks, he'd have still touched the plate the sushi was on). So he'd be transferring trace amounts of radiation throughout the day.
Via A.J. Strata, who is continuing to push the theory that Berezovsky is behind the poisoning. Which I still think is pretty farfetched. He seizes upon Alex Goldfarb's claim that Litvinenko may have sweated out the poisoon at Berezovsky's offices as a "slip up" in the plan, stating as a fact that Litvinenko couldn't have been sweating radioactive material.
Well, I don't know if that's true, but I don't think Alex Goldfarb is an expert in radioactive poisoning, so either way, I don't see this as a "slip up" so much as a non-expert taking guesses, the same as many of us are.
Given that Goldfarb was in close contact with Litvinenko through his illness, and also worked for Berezovsky, I don't see why traces of the toxin couldn't have been passed to Goldfarb and then to the offices.
Then again, that could just be completely implausible. It seems possible to me just because I don't know what I'm talking about.
But I haven't read that traces of the toxin couldn't be transferred in such a way.
Thanks to Larwyn.