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November 18, 2006
Thanksgiving Advice
From Dave in Texas.
More Thanksgiving advice:
*Storebought pies are of the debbil. Don't do that. Pies are ridiculously easy to make, and the house smells so good when they're baking.
*If you have a full house and need to set up a separate table for the kiddies, try to orient it so that you can reach the back of the worst kid's head with a spatula. That way you won't have to get up during the meal.
*Put a long-handled spatula next to your plate.
*Give the turkey enough time to thaw. Your relatives don't want to see you desperately shoving a blowtorch inside Mr. Turkey on Thursday morning.
*If you can manage it, cooking the turkey breast-side down for much of the cooking time does help keep the breast meat moist.
*Seat your weird red-haired cousins in another room and shut the door.
*If their mother objects, put her in there too. She'll come back without them in three minutes. She'll keep her yap shut for the rest of the meal as a bonus.
*If livingroom seating is inadequate, throw something soft on the floor that the kids can lounge on during the football game, while the adults are sleeping.
I'm sure all you guys have other great ideas and helpful hints.

posted by Laura. at
05:31 PM
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