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November 15, 2006
Murtha: As Corrupt As He Is Corpulent
Just a reminder -- he wasn't interested in an Abscam bribe, "at this point."
The FBI undercover officer then suggests: "You give us the banks where you want the money deposited."
"All right," agreed Murtha. "How much money we talking about?"
"Well, you tell me," says the FBI undercover operative.
"Well, let me find out what is a reasonable figure that will get their attention," said Murtha, "because there are a couple of banks that have really done me some favors in the past, and I'd like to put some money in."
Here's what Murtha says after the public video cuts off: "…You know, we do business together for a while. Maybe I'll be interested and maybe I won't. ... Right now, I'm not interested in those other things. Now, I won't say that some day, you know, I, if you made an offer, it may be I would change my mind some day."
And if you mention this, you're questioning his patriotism -- and he was a Marine.
As Newsalert says, being a Democrat means never having to say I'm sorry.