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November 07, 2006
Pre-Soccer-Game Rally Featues Motivational Speech By... Adolf Hitler
Well! Everyone said he was charismatic and could really get people whipped into a frenzy!
The defense? Well, they only meant to play the part of the speech that said, translated, "On to victory" (as the article puts it), and accidentally played 90 seconds of the speech instead.
Apparently some on the team and at the school are fond of chanting "On to victory" (in German) to rev themselves up for games.
"On to victory"?
Now, I wasn't the greatest student of German, but I have seen a lot of WWII movies.
"On to victory"? I've heard a similar chant: "Sieg Heil," usually translated as "Hail Victory!"
Is this article attempting to spin its way out of admitting these kids were chanting Sieg Heil?
And -- what does it matter anyway? Even if they were chanting some other Nazi chant that included the word for "victory," what the hell were they doing chanting it in the first place?
With the apparent acceptance of school officials, no less?
Un. Fuckin'. Believable.
America. 2006. Nazi chants.