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September 24, 2006
AZ "Memorial" Covered By Fox News
Stace tips that a Republican AZ Congressman has been interviewed, and he's pissed off.
I tipped Fox to this, but I never got any word back from them, so I have no idea if that helped.
The Len Munsil (gubernatorial candidate) campaign never got back to me either.
But maybe not all efforts were in vain.
Allah's cutting just finished cutting the video of the Brian Wilson piece right now.
He notes the Kossacks have a diary up about this, which makes it a live controversy, which makes it very difficult for the MSM to continue embargoing.
Hey, FoxNews? Could've had this Wednesday.
I don't send you dreck, guys.
Any Bets... that just about the only person put forward to publically defend this is the woman who lost a son on 9/11?
They only put forward widows and grieving parents. Nevermind that most other 9/11 families would object to this. They got their one defender, plus of course the Jersey Girls airdropping in for some more publicity, and that's all they need.
Bonus: Commenters were noting this last night, but I didn't get around to digging into it.
But the "educational materials" sent out by the "memorial" folks want students to discuss Iran/Contra and environmental issues, for some reason.
Again: They tried this bullshit in NYC, and even NYC liberals wouldn't have it.
How the hell did Governor Napolitano (D, in case there's any doubt) greenlight this in Arizona?
Another Questionable Inscription Found: Admittedly, this is perfectly accurate. But is it appropriate?
From a guy who's far too respectable to do this sort of childish photoshopping, now that he's part of one of the top five conservative blogs.