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September 14, 2006
Canadian Culture Watch: CBC Airs 9/11 "Truther" "Documentary" -- On The Eve Of 9/11
Un. Fucking. Believable.
Meanwhile, ABC sweats whether or not it shows soldiers in position to take out bin Ladin, a fictionalized (but essentially true) version of Clinton's 8-10 declined chances to take out the architect of 9/11.
t was the Canadian Left at its absolute insensitive and appalling worst.
On the eve of the 9/11 remembrance ceremonies, the leftist, anti-Bush Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canada’s national public broadcaster, aired an outrageous and disgraceful documentary on a Sunday news program regarding half-baked 9/11 conspiracy theories that only served to insult the memories of those who perished that tragic day.
Titled 9/11: Truth, Lies and Conspiracy, the only fascinating thing about the CBC show was its complete absurdity and the fact that it actually made it to air.
This is a widely downloaded internet conspiracy film that is being translated into different languages. The CBC swallowed it whole.
The leftist CBC’s reasons for allowing this travesty of journalism to be broadcast to a countrywide audience are probably several. Perhaps first and foremost, the innate anti-Americanism of CBCers, like the anti-Bush attitude of CBS journalists involved in the Dan Rather scandal, causes these America haters to lose journalistic perspective. As well, the anti-Bush position of the two conspiracy theorists matches the CBC’s anti-American agenda. Many such theorists believe 9/11 was government engineered, so the Republicans would have a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. And while the CBC may not go along with this theory, it will give a nudge and a wink to it, since it is against the Bush administration’s foreign policy.
“When the so-called film-maker suggests that airplanes and the passengers on it vanished harmlessly into thin air is when a real news organization would walk away,” said [Canadian columnist Joe] Warmington.
Sadly, a recent poll on another Canadian television network showed that 22 per cent of Canadians believe the American government was involved in 9/11. Another 53 per cent are of the opinion that US foreign policy was responsible for the attack. All of which shows a diminishment of trust in American government, especially Republican government, another leftist goal.
“It’s amazing to me how the Left seem to like bin Laden and other terrorist leaders better than their own president,” said Warmington. “It’s hard to win a war when you’re being eaten from the inside like that. But they better be careful. They may like fiction, but one day it may come back to bite them.”
Mainstream, baby.
They are looking for any pretext to finally achieve their real ambition of making common cause with bin Ladin to fight the real enemy: President George W. Bush.
My liberal friend still doesn't believe this is anything but a fringe movement.
22% of an entire Western country is not fringe.
Given that Pacifica Radio offers DVD's of Loose Change as promotional give-aways, I would put the figure in America at about 12%.
Fringe? Fringe in its dementia. But not fringe in its numbers.
Where is the media in all of this? Why does Time Magazine play a game of nudge-nudge-wink-wink with these people, postulating that their lunacies are plausible?
The media likes to endlessly repeat that some portion of the American public believes Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11, and endlessly "debunk" that sentiment (though there is plenty of evidence suggesting Saddam/bin Ladin cooperation on other matters).
Why, then, are they so unwilling to run a major primetime special exposing these maniacs as the paranoid morons they are?