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September 13, 2006
Claim: AQ Agent Has Smuggled In Nuclear Materials For a Sept. 24th Attack
Gateway Pundit:
Osama bin Laden is planning to carry out new, more destructive attacks inside the United States, and there is someone working on this terror plot currently in the US, according to Hamid Mir, the famed Pakistani journalist who obtained the only post-9/11 interviews with Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. In an interview quoted on the website of the al-Arabiya television network, Mir spoke about his last trip to Afghanistan and his meeting with al-Qaeda members and Taliban leaders.
In his interview with Al.Arabiya.net, Mir said that the al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters referred to attacks targeting the US-led coalition forces during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which begins on 24 September, and that the al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden was in "good" health during a meeting he had recently with the Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar.
Mir also said that bin Laden has assigned a man named Adnan Al-Shukri Juma to carry out a new attack within the US which is intended to be larger than the 11 September, 2001 attacks. According to Mir, Adnan Jumaa has smuggled explosives and nuclear materials into the US through the Mexican border over the last two years and is hiding somewhere in America where the FBI has not been able to locate him...

Whether the dirty bomb plot is genuine or not, he's an Al Qaeda terrorist and ought to be captured or killed.
I'm going to put up his pictures in the sidebar permanently until he's captured. Seems like a useful thing to do. Works for America's Most Wanted.
More at Jawa and of course and Allah and Dan Riehl too.
Thanks to Larwyn.
Asymetrical Information: I read Freakonomics (finally) on the bus ride back, and if there's one big take-away from the book, it's the power of asymetical information to be used corruptly, and the dissemination of information via the Internet to destroy the asymetrical advantage and reduce corruption or criminality.
This guy has a big asymetrical informational advantage-- not many people know what he looks like. Let's change that.
The FBI's "Seeking Information" page on him.
Stuff to look for: the "pretty" features of the eyes and mouth; a "pronounced" nose (which nevertheless seems attractive); and the fact that he's a small man, 5'3" - 5'6", weighing about 132 pounds; he's 31 years old; is Saudi Arabian but speaks English; and he's asthmatic (pharmacy workers take special notice, though it's likely that he has confederates do most of his shopping for him, especially for the telltale inhaler).
Oh... Did I Mention... There's a Five Milion Dollar reward for information about his whereabouts?
Blogger BOLO: Not to push this, but if you think it's a good idea, a standing sidebar pic of the man, with the info on him and links to the FBI, might help. There are, in aggregate, several million blog readers. The odds of them, even taken together, seeing this monster are slim, but silm is better than none.