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September 09, 2006
I feel so, so violated [Dave in Texas]

I have been defrauded via credit card.
To the best of my knowledge, it's the first time.
Strange too, cause the vendor called me to ask me if I had authorized this purchase. I would have thought they were phishing, except when I asked them if they had my security code, they read it back to me.
Anyway, good on them for checking it out. It was a hosting company that will remain unnamed but appreciated.
The only other charge that made it through and was reversed was a $56.00 charge to MATCH.COM. Both charges were reversed.
I did not authorize this transaction. Honest.
Basic advice, but worth revisiting...
Check your account statement and make sure the charges are yours. This gets to be a bit more work when you send your kid to school with one.
Don't give out your online account password to anyone over the phone. Don't give any account info to anyone you didn't call.
Your credit card company ain't gonna call you and ask for any secure info. They may call you to verify charges but they won't ask you for codes or passwords.
Not even the nosy ones.
Instead of signing your card on the back, write ASK FOR ID. Vendors will honor this.
Subscribe to daveintexas.wordpress.com
Be sure to send your security code with your card number.
Userid too. ix-nay on the assword-pay
ok, I just wanted to say assword. I really need your password to give you the premium Dave in Texas content.
Oh, and your credit line and outstanding balance would be good to know. Send it in hexidecimal, that'll keep the boogers out of our business.
Secret note to authorities: I am NOT actually soliciting credit card information from anyone. This is a joke. A stupid, moronic barely funny to anyone around 87 IQ joke. Not. Soliciting.
Those of you whose IQs are under 200.. send no info.
You really smart bastards are fair game though.