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September 07, 2006
Path To 9/11 Updates: ABC Caves
Sandy Berger protected.
As others have pointed out, there might be better evidence for precisely what he did, and refused to do, had he not stolen original archived notes of WH memoranda and then destroyed them.
Would-be House Dem chairs threatening ABC over 'Path to 9/11?' Dingell, Conyers, and Harman remind ABC of who will probably be in power next year.
Former head of CIA's Osama unit: Clinton WH *did* oppose operation to nab terrorist. Re-posting that bit from Michael Scheuer.
Alexandra writes:
re: your post about the path to 911 abc dramatization. dennis prager had lawrence
wright on his show yesterday, the author of the looming tower, which i believe is
the book the abc series is based on. he makes the (very substatiated) claim that
the conversation DID happen between the clinton white house and (i think) sudan about whether or not to take out bin laden. it's a fascinating nterview--lots of things about what lead up to 911 that most people don't know. like, how the cia found out about al quaeda in the first place, how al quaeda started, what its
original aims were, how it became an anti american organization, etc. big fingers
pointing to clinton when the ball was dropped. anyway, the episode is called
'looming towers' you can get it on itunes, or from his website.
I have no doubt that similar things occurred. I'm just saying the Clintonites have a legitimate beef if real (and damning) incidents were sexed up further to display soldiers right outside Osama's home, with Berger refusing to give the order to take him out at that point.
So far I haven't seen anyone claiming that actually happened in that way.
I've written Patterico's guest blogger, Justine Levine, to ask if that is indeed how the movie plays it.
Even if it does play it that way, it is merely "sexed up" and does still convey the essential truth that Berger and Clinton refused to take out bin Ladin. Without this scene, the movie is even less accurate than with it.
Update: Direct link to Praeger interview.
Thanks to Mary Katherine Ham.
Link Fixed. Damn that Mary Katherine Ham for making me misspell "href."