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September 06, 2006
Think outside the bun [Dave in Texas]
Taco Bell™ embraces the Chris Klein "I don't placate to get my dinner cooked" lifestyle™.

I believe I promised "stupid" in my previous post. Well welcome to the Dexter Lake Club. And here 'tis.
Pretty funny marketing campaign by the Taco Bell™ folks, hot sauce packets that "talk to you". Some of their cute hot sauce packet sayings include:
All night long the sporks pick on me
Remind me to tell you the high-larious story of how me and a friend, we were working on a new order entry system, and we placed a test order, and forgot to cancel it, and we shipped 87 cases of sporks to a single Taco Bell™.
Hoo-hah, they laughed and laughed over that one.
Ahhh... we meet again
Make a wish
I'm just doing this between films
If you throw this, would it be a flying saucer?
I collect straws
Please lick my earlobe
Ok, I made that one up.
I want this job. I want to write cute sayings for Taco Bell™ hot sauce packets. I've got skills. I took a marketing class.
Dave's Taco Bell™ Hot Sauce Packet Sayings
Squeeze me. Squeeze me till I'm dry. Milk me!
Careful with the serrated edge
Beagles are a total pain in the ass
Ever think about throwing a handful of these into the toilet at work? Use "Mild"
Put me in the microwave. Set it to eleven. ELEVEN
One time, in the drive through, a kid dropped one of these under my front tire, and when I drove over it it BLEW UP all over us. Man that was cool. Except for having to scrub the carpets and headliner
Crikey! It's FIRE sauce!
That was for Steve Irwin.
If I were to come up with a replacement for "Think Outside the Bun", I think it would be something like,
Taco Bell™. You can afford it.