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August 31, 2006
Boys Engaged in School: A Rarity? (AnalogKid)
You morons won't read this. Well, the female morons will.
As Sommers understood, it is boys’ aggressive and rationalist nature—redefined by educators as a behavioral disorder—that’s getting so many of them in trouble in the feminized schools. Their problem: they don’t want to be girls.
Well Duh.
Going along with Michael's post, this is the nature of primary and secondary schools in America today: feminized, rudderless, geared towards self-esteem and promoting the age of Aquarius. College Diplomas are a commodity because the education has been reduced to least common denominators. What value is there in a degree that guarantees that everyone is, in the aggregate, monolithically below average?
But that's not exactly what this article is about ... It's about the feminization of the schools and how it hurts boys. And somewhere in there is probably a piece of the "Liberalism in America" puzzle.
Boys will pin you to the wall like a moth. They want a rational explanation for everything. If unconvinced by your reasons—or if you don’t bother to offer any—they slouch contemptuously in their chairs, beat their pencils, or watch the squirrels outside the window. Two days before the paper is due, girls are handing in the finished product in neat vinyl folders with colorful clip-art title pages.
I ran up against quite a few radical femmes in my college. Some of it was stupid and obvious, like marking off for using the gender-neutral "his" instead of the politically-laden "her's" or the neutral "their." Others were more devious - Socratically trying to pin you to the ultimatum of White Men v. Truth. The worst were the male teachers who had been so feminized that they had lost the capacity for rational thought.
At any rate, it's nice to hear the guy say it. School bothered me not because of my failings, but because my failings were treated as therapy rather than failings.
A female teacher, especially if she has no male children of her own, I’ve noticed, will tend to view boys’ penchant for challenging classroom assignments as disruptive, disrespectful—rude.
Dealing with boys is tough. They are challenging, little ones more so because they are like trains that go in one direction only. But men and women are different. Teaching boys to act in the manner of girls seems so obviously misguided that you just know it's a staple of modern educational theory.
What I can't figure out is whether D&D and WOW is in counterpoint to this prevailing attitude in schools, or just more evidence that it's working?
At any rate, I love this ...
Female approval has a powerful effect on the male psyche. Kindness, consideration, and elevated moral purpose have nothing to do with an irreducible proof, of course. Yet we male teachers squirm when women point out our moral failings—and our boy students do, too. This is the virtue that has helped women redefine the mission of education.
I don't know about the mission of education, but I do know this: There is no equality. There are Women. and there are men. Women want to be in control? Done.
Been done.
Never not been done.
The only people who argue are Womyn.
If you're married to a woman, try this line out: "Honey, I'm going to buy a new car and take the kids to Vegas, right after you mow the yard and paint the house."
But in the meantime, there is something to all of this, if only in explaining the number of liberal nancy-boy pussies that populate the left's male contingent. I know this ... John Kerry never played D&D.