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August 30, 2006
Hey Honey, Remember When That Guy Mooned the Priest While He Was Downing Flaming Shots?

Focus group enjoying a screening of NBC's The Real Wedding Crashers.
Holy crap:
NBC announced its new show, "The Real Wedding Crashers," inspired by the movie. Ashton Kutcher will serve as one of the show's executive producers.
The show will feature hidden cameras that will record improvisational actors who go undercover at real weddings to bring an added element of surprise to the traditional proceedings.
"Everyone loved 'Wedding Crashers' and we wanted to see if we could capture that same kind of inspired frivolity in a real-life series," Craig Plestis, Senior Vice President of Alternative Programs and Development at NBC, said...This series has a big upside potential for hidden-camera humor."
Huuuuge potential. I think I speak for fathers-in-law everywhere when I say...actually, I'm not a father-in-law, so I guess I don't speak for them. Wait a second, that's BS - it's not like you need some kind of advanced degree to be a father-in-law, right? I mean, what are the requirements?
Have sex with your wife: Check
Have a kid: Check
Wait for said kid to marry.
OK, so I've completed 2 of 3 - good enough, if you ask me. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, the asswipes at NBC making a Wedding Crashers reality show.
So, I think I speak for fathers-in-law everywhere (or not) when I say, why not combine elements of Wedding Crashers and Jackass? Think about it: Most weddings don't have nearly enough uninvited juvenile, masochistic exhibitionists pulling wacky stunts like wiping their asses with the bride's bouquet or swan-diving into the cake from a twenty-foot ladder. Just sayin'.
But is there really a market for yet another reality show? Maybe:
"There's hasn't been a truly good hidden-camera show on network TV... since (NBC's) 'Spy TV'"...
Oh yeah...Spy TV. Who could forget...what was that show called again? I think it was Spy...whatever.
Well, if nothing else, now I have a reason to link to Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn In 'Funeral Crashers'.
Super-special "Punk'd" update: CNN’s Kyra Phillips makes her bosses look like morons by leaving her mic on while she sits on the can and talks smack about her sister-in-law.

posted by John From WuzzaDem at
01:35 AM
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