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A Bit of Culture for the Drooling Retards at Ace of Spades -- Sobek »
August 29, 2006
Katrina Remembered
Sean Penn pours even more water into flooded New Orleans,
because he just hates black people
Phin, blogging at Agent Bedhead, did me a favor by fixing mysitemeter and adding the Digg button to my template, so I decided to return the favor by ripping off one of their posts.
I guess I could link Phin's post about Jessica Simpson asking to kiss Britney Spears' tummy, but I'm not sure I'm really into either one of them anymore, even if they're kissing. Or almost kissing.
So I'll link this sneak-preview of Lindsey Lohan's upcoming perfume.
And I'm sure no one would be interested in seeing Pamela of Atlas Shrugs, cavorting in a bikini, to the tune of My Milkshake.
And I'm not sure how old Charlotte Church is, but assuming she's of age, I'm pretty sure I'd hit it, and I don't think I'd be too put off by the babyfat.
Does that make me a bad person?