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August 28, 2006
Saddam Hussein Forced To Watch South Park Bigger, Longer, & Uncut
Gob-smackingly vile torture.
From The Corner, where Jon Podhoertz and Andy McCarthy are having an interesting dialogue about Fitzgerald, and whether or not this was an overzealous and/or politically-motivated investigation.
Scroll down until yesterday AM, and then start reading up.
It's good that both those on the left and right can have such divergent opinions on this.
Wait, did I say the left? I don't know how that slipped in there.
Meanwhile, Tom Maguire notes that David Corn, the reporter who co-wrote the book confirming Armitage as the leaker -- and acknowledging, reluctantly, it was done without malicious intent -- is yet still trying to spin his non-malicious leak as somehow part of a greater Bush strategy to punish Joe Wilson (scan down to "Keep Hope Alive").
The facts on the ground may change, but the conclusion remains e'er fixed, like the North Star, in the sky.