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August 26, 2006
US Diplomat Busted For Visas-For-Gems Scheme; Takes Money & Gems From Al Qaeda Linked Jeweler
The jewels-for-visas story is in the MSM. But apparently only bloggers can Google-search, because it's only Junkyard Blog who found the Al Qaeda connection.
A little more: the lawsuit alleging a tie between the bribing jewelry company, STS, and Al Qaeda was dismissed with prejudice. So maybe it's not fair to claim an Al Qaeda tie.
So forget it.
Columbo Update: There's just one more thing.
The guy charged with taking bribes from STS, Michael O'Keefe, seems to have been involved in clearing them of any linkage with Osama bin Ladin in 2002.
I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with anything, though.
Maybe It Is Just Nothing: quiggs writes--
I did some digging on that lawsuit: (1) It was filed by some notorious bottom-feeders (asbestos, silicon etc.) after newspaper accounts, so odds are it was just a shake-down; and (2) it was dismissed after only 2 months, which isn't enough time to do any serious discovery, so either (a) the dismissal was on purely technical grounds, or (b) the claim was pure BS from the get-go.