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August 23, 2006
Deb Frish, Charged With Stalking Misdemeanor
I laid off this more than I actually wanted. Partly out of respect for Jeff.
But also partly because I didn't want to encourage her to get herself into further trouble. She is a disturbed woman. She cannot distinguish between "good attention" and "bad attention." To her, it's all the same. She actually thought people would donate money to her to keep up the "word warrior" bullshit.
She actually thought people would give her money to post her restraining order and letters from Goldstein's lawyer.
The fucking lunatic actually thought she'd get booked on Steven Colbert's show.
For making sexually-suggestive and threatening remarks about someone's child.
Right. That's how you get on Steven Colbert. Even I know better than that.
She emailed me to make some kind of threat -- a lawsuit or something, forget what, also telling me that "phuque-phaced Phroggy" was next or whatever, as if I have "Phroggy" on phuquing speed dial or something. Honestly, I don't even know who the eph the man is.
I didn't email her back, both to avoid stirring her up any further and to keep her from getting any kind of handle on my IP. I had no desire to become a more prominent star in the Deb Frisch Planetarium of Crazy.
Well, she's in the system now, where I guess we all knew she'd wind up. Perhaps it's for the best.
More... from Don't Hire Deb.
Related: NRO's Media Blog on other lefties' not-yet-criminal descent into derangement.