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August 23, 2006
BREAKING: Previously Unknown Terrorist Group Demands Release of "Muslim Prisoners" In US For Steve Centanni & Olaf Wiig
But Palestinian terrorists aren't part of Al Qaeda, right? They just want some land to kick back on and chill.
More: Mary Katherine "Superstar" Ham is updating furiously.
Some say the link is dead, but it works for me. This link should take you to the blog's home page, but you have to scroll down for the story.
John... wants to know if we can call the Palestinians terrorists now that they're not jut kidnapping and killing Jews. For some reason, the world is always ready to give the Palestiinans a terrorist-mulligan on murdering and kidnapping Jews.
However, I think the terrorist-mulligan also applies, in the world's eyes, to Zionist Opressor news organizations like Fox, and its employees.