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August 18, 2006
Which Cthtulhu Mythos God/Servitor Are You?
They're definitely running out of premises for these "Which [blank] are you?" quizzes. Which is why I really want a "Which 'Which pop culture quiz' are you?" quiz.
Via Ghost of a Flea, who turns out to be a... Star Vampire. Some Cthulhu names are cool, like Hound of Tindalos or Tcho-Tcho, and then other ones are... teh ghey. Star Vampire. Fire Vampire. Gimme a break.
Who Are You In The Cthulhu Mythos?
You are FUNGI FROM YUGGOTH, an intelligent flying crustacean (not actually a fungus) from Pluto. They arrived on Earth to mine its minerals, and generally keep themselves out of humanity's way. Where their prime communication was once the changing colour of their heads, they now mimic the human tounge. Human brains have been found in their laboratories, and their true purpose here is yet to be revealed.
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Usually I answer the questions to get the answer I want. Like, if I want to be Spiderman, it's not really hard to figure out the Spiderman answer is "When I poop, I shoot steel-strong webbing out of my squeakhole." Didn't even bother this time. And I still got to be a Fungi. From Yuggoth. Which I kind of like, because "Yuggoth" is just the local word for Pluto.
Pluto, baby.
Sent to me by The Colossus, who obviously prostituted the answers to make himself something cool.
Yeah, right, Colossus. That's what you are. Sure.
Update: Someone did a Which Online Personality Test Are You?"
Cool. I've been asking for that for a year. Thanks to Matthew, who turns out to be a "Which My Pretty Pony Character Are You?" quiz.