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August 17, 2006
Shock: Andrew Sullivan Is A Shrill, Sloppy, Bush-Deranged Conspiracy-Monger
He called Karol deranged, and she's responding tu quoque, and backing it up with facts.
Sullivan wants to know what "evidence" there might be that the SkyBomb attacks were "imminent."
Karol actually bothers to read the articles that Sullivan finds too gob-smackingly vile to read (as they tend to seriously undermine his "torture-is-never-justified" jihad), and finds this:
Members of the terror group, who were arrested in a series of raids by anti-terror police yesterday, were due to mount a dry run today to check if they could smuggle components for liquid explosives through Britain's airports.
United Airline tickets dated next Wednesday were found by police at the home of one of the raided addresses.
Dry run the day of the article, with a possible actual terrorist attack occuring the following week.
"Imminent" enough for you, Andrew?
To use a bit of newish Internet jargon:
You've frisched yourself with this one, Sullivan. But good.
You were a laughingstock among those in the know. Now you're a laughingstock for the entire world.
A narcissist with an unhinged mind and a pathological need for self-validation and the destruction of his enemies should not have a blog. It's like giving a gun to a depressive with thoughts of suicide. The odds of something very bad happening, with the tool of one's self-destruction so readily available, short-circuiting the normal time which would be afforded for careful reflection, go up dramatically.
There should have been a safety-lock on Sullivan's interface. Or a three-day waiting period. Something that could have avoided this tragedy.
Then again, blogs don't kill reputations, credibility, and careers.
People kill reputations, credibility, and careers.
The Coming Spin: St. Andrew will of course say "We haven't seen those tickets yet," and then will say that, even if the tickets were bought, they're not "evidence" of an actual "imminent" attack. Could be just a dry-run. Could just be two weeks holiday in Taramasalata.*
But that's bullshit. Because what Sullivan was endeavoring to prove is that the "timing" of this was entirely cooked up by Bush and Blair. The fact the terrorists made such an alarming move is all the justification one needs for starting the raids. You don't need to wait until they're actually boarding the plane with bombs. If you have strong evidence that next week is the week, what the hell would you delay further for, anyway?
And even if the terrorists were just planning another dry run-- that would put the actual arrests much closer to November. And what would Unhinged Andy say then?
It boggles the mind. There would have to be whole new colors, not seen on this earth but only upon the eerie alien wasteworld of Carcossa, invented for the Andrew Sullivan Freak-Out Warning System.
* Where?
Blame Cheney For Question-The-Timing Derangement: Because he won't let us find out for certain. Johnny Catbird explains:
I've been reading the blogs, and I question the timing. After all, if we stop something before it happens, we now cannot say whether or not an attack would actually happen. There's no proof that it did happen, because it didn't, and you can't prove something would happen when it won't. Of course, if an attack does happen, we should criticize those in charge because they didn't do enough, even though we can't let them do anything until something happens.
In short, the only proper way to stop a terrorst act is by letting it happen, then going back in time and stopping said attack, altering the temporal stream. But we can't, and do you know why?
Halliburton's Temporal Device division won't let us use their machines.
In fairness to Halliburton, they're already leasing most of them to Diebold, which has been working like a bitch to retroactively undo John Kerry's 2004 presidential election victory.
There are still some problems, like in Ohio, but within a few months, Bush will have won Ohio by thirty-seven bazillion votes.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., however, will still be writing articles suggesting this margin could have been overcome were black people not "intimidated" from voting.