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August 15, 2006
"Gleen" Attacks Dextrosphere For "Exploiting" Reutersgate; Does So With Typical "Susbstance"
Allah tipped me to Gleen Grenwald, the Fagan of Brazillian Cabana Boys, penning a disingenuous little screed on Salon. I didn't have the energy to do anything with it. Plus, I figure that's the last thing you guys want.
But Patterico's like The Terminator.
I love how he claims he's not a liberal, endlessly bleats "You don't know what my politics are!," and yet seems to attack "rightwingers" constantly. And defend the liberal media, of course.
I know people like that.
We call them "liberals."
I mean, for God's sake, in this idiotic fart of an "article" he cites the highly-respected, thoughtful and substantive "moderate" blogger TBogg.
I wonder if he's staying away from the word "dishonest" lately.
When the Reuters story broke, I checked DU for responses. There were a lot of people, of course, claiming the Reuters photo was real, and that the "rightwingers" were at their "smears" again.
But there were a couple of liberals who were sane enough to realize right away the photo was faked, and that this was a pretty serious violation of journalistic ethics.
One of these liberals said something I loved, since I've said it a lot myself.
"For people who claim to hate the mainstream media and claim it's biased against you, you sure do seem to eager to defend them."
That's a paraphrase, but that was the gist.
I love how "Gleen" and his liberal "moderate" allies claim they're all so against the "biased rightwing" media, and yet defend their excesses at every turn.