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August 15, 2006
Huge Story On DA That Went After Rush Limbaugh
Was on O'Reilly. Rewinding my DVR now to get the facts. I trust Larwyn, who tipped me, but this is so serious I don't dare wing it.
From the show, from a close review of the segment:
Palm Beach Chief of Police Michael Reiter has asked Rush Limbaugh's foe, State Attorney Bruce Krischer, to recuse himself from a case, believing he's in the tank for the defendant.
The accused is a dedicated Democrat, as is Krischer himself. The accused, Jefferey Epstein, has donated more than a $100,000 to Democrats, including Hillary! Clinton.
Reiter wants to charge Jeffrey Epstein for four counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor with girls as young as fourteen.
Krischer was somehow only able to get a prostitution charge against Epstein from a grand jury, despite a house filled with hidden cameras and pictures of young girls.
Reiter is seeking the aid of the FBI.
Note the DA didn't need to take the charges to a grand jury. He could have just filed charges on his own.
There were 17 witnesses against Epstein. Two "house managers" -- whatever they are; butlers and overseers, I guess -- are prepared to testify about having to clean up Jello and the like after Epstein's "parties" with the fourteen year old girls.
Krischer used the grand jury to tank the case, presenting the weakest case possible in order to have a pretext to not charge Epstein. That's the suspicion.
It seems like a good suspicion.
FoxNews' judge notes that just as a prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, a prosecutor can prevent a grand jury from indicting a multiple statutory-rapist by deliberately throwing the case. (I juiced that up. He just said a prosecutor could guide a grand jury whichever way he likes.)
And then blaming the grand jury.
Napolitano thinks it's a solid possible case for federal intervention, as the DA may very well be guilty of, among other things, a deliberate failure to apply the protections of the law equally under the 14th A.