« Ohio Public Universities Ask Would-Be Professors: Have You Ever Belonged To Or Supported A Terrorist Organization? |
Update: Also Wrote To A Contact In Sen. Coburn's Office »
August 15, 2006
Found: A True Muslim Moderate
He's into the UFC, female nudity in movies, Family Guy, etc.
I don't see anything in his myspace profile about jihad.
Why am I posting this? Well, I saw a referral for someone googling "You have retard strength picture," and wanted to find that picture myself. I couldn't find it.
This guy's myspace page was near the top of the search list.
Because his myspace handle is "RETARD STRENGTH."
Warning: Site plays music. Not dirty or anything, but a little annoying. Kind of crappy.
Not really worth clicking on, actually. Except that he calls himself "RETARD STRENGTH."
My next blog will be called Retard Strength, I'm pretty sure.
If only more Muslims would call upon their inner reserves of Retard Strength to help stamp out Islamic terrorism.
What a world that could be.