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August 15, 2006
47% of Daily Kossacks Say Mike Wallace Was Too Hard On Iran's Ahmadinejad (Updated: "Moderates" A Go Go!)
It's a small poll, but still. 37% of Daily Kos posters agree that "Mike Wallace was totally jingoistic and rude" in his interview with Iran's only legal blogger, and another 10% agree that "George Bush is an idiot and Mike Wallace is his pawn."
As the New York Times brands them: Moderates.
The Daily Kos should, uhhh, kinda stop doing these polls, huh?
More "Moderates"... A pretty sick compilation video from Chad at My Pet Jawa of political pornography for/making use of children.
Had enough?
Why on earth is Europe allowing Muslim immigrants to come to that continent and remain on the doll all their lives?
We don't have the same problem with Muslims in America as Europe does; not even close. And I think a good reason for that is that here, you can't just sit on your asses all day in coffeeshops spewing conspiracy theories about the Jews while collecting welfare.
Muslims who come here come here to work, by and large, not to live like state-subsidized intellectuals/terrorists in training.
Put a three-month-per year cap on the dole for all recent immigrants, and Europe would see its terrorist problem drop in half in... well, in about three months, actually.
Another "Moderate" Spotted:
Zombietime, of course, has much more.
Only "Moderately" Anti-Semitic... ProSemite Undercover wades into DU to find and post some its typical antisemitism.
Thanks to RW.
And make sure you read the comments to this thread, where commenters catch DU & HuffPo "moderates" wishing for, inter alia, the beheading of the FoxNews reporter and a "bullet between the eyes" of our "Nazi scum president."
Catch the swamp fever!